List of Courses

* Unless indicated otherwise, the courses last two weeks

InstructorCourse Title
Adam Albright
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Advanced Morphology: Syncretism and Paradigm Structure
Elena Anagnostopoulou & Roumyana Pancheva
University of Crete & University of Southern California
Rajesh Bhatt
University of Massachusetts at Amherst
Introduction to Semantics
Veneeta Dayal
Rutgers University
The Pragmatics of Embedding Questions
Ashwini Deo & Paul Kiparsky & Hedde Zeijlstra
The Ohio State University, Stanford University, Universität Göttingen
Historical Linguistics
Caroline Féry & Michael Wagner
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, McGill University
Phonology-Syntax Interface
Kai von Fintel
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
The Linguistics of Desire
Sabine Iatridou
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Introduction to Syntax
Kyle Johnson
University of Massachusetts at Amherst
Movement as Multidominance
Winfried Lechner
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Order and interpretation: How to treat fractures at the Syntax-Semantics Interface
Joan Mascaro & Doug Pulleyblank
Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona, University of British Columbia
Issues at the Phonology-Morphology Interface
Jim McCloskey & Tim Stowell
University of California, Santa Cruz, University of California, Los Angeles
Shigeru Miyagawa
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Language and Animal Communication in Evolution
Josep Quer
ICREA-Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Introduction to Sign Language Linguistics
Floris Roelofsen
University of Amsterdam
The Semantics of Questions
Donca Steriade
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Introduction to Phonology

The participation of Josep Quer has been possible thanks to the SIGN-HUB project, which has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 693349.